Ah, there's soo much I have to say about Cornerstone. Let's start with the fact that it is probably my favorite book right now. It was beyond imagination and I liked that it brought something new to the world of paranormal. The whole storyline was incredible and Misty Provencher was so creative with it, I fell in love. The characters were amazing and I'd be lying if I said I hate any of them. Heck, I'd be lying if I said I hated anything from Cornerstone!
BEHOLD: the awesome cover of Cornerstone. You've probably seen prettier covers in your life, but this cover is pretty decent and it really went well with the story.
Official summary:
Nalena Maxwell has been branded ‘The Waste’ at her new school, due to her mom's obsessive paper hoarding. Nalena desperately wants something to change in her life, but when she receives a sign (and it's the wrong dang one) inviting her into a mysterious, ancient community, too much changes. What she knew of her family, what she thought of her life and what she believed about her future, is no longer applicable. Seventeen years worth of family skeletons come crashing into Nalena's life and it is the boy...the one that smiles at her like he wants to hear everything she'll ever say...that already knows her powerful secrets. But it is only Nalena that can choose between protecting the life that is already crumbling beneath her feet and the one that might sacrifice everything she could ever have.Cornerstone was just so great, I'm having trouble not spoiling for you. Okay, let's start with Nalena. She's our main character. She doesn't have the greatest life. Her dad left her, her mom is an obsessive writer who never finishes her stories and hasn't published anything, and her life at school is basically crap.
You see, Nalena is called "The Waste" at her school because someone saw her house that was stacked to the ceiling in paper from her mother's obsessive writing. You can't even walk through the house without bumping into a stack of paper. Any who, so she's the loner girl with absolutely NO friends. *sigh* I honestly love the books that have characters like this because then they meet that sexy guy and they get their justice and happiness in life. But that doesn't happen in Cornerstone. Or maybe it does? Point is, I'm not telling.
But the guys name is Garrett and he's super hot. Nalena obviously thinks he's hot. Hell, she couldn't tear her eyes off him. Then there's the whole cool paranormal thing that makes them different. But it's a cool, intriguing type of different. BTW, no worries, it is not one of those cliché stories. And there's some hot romance going on, as well.
Keystone (Cornerstone #2)
Offical summary:
Struggling to fit into the destiny she’s accepted, Nalena Maxwell has been left with one objective: she must find her murdered grandfather’s Memory. Stolen and hidden away by her own father over seventeen years ago, the Memory could be the key to ending the Cusp and destroying the Ianua’s rival community, The Fury.
Driven by each individual’s selfish desires, The Fury has always lacked the loyalty and organization it needs to be an actual force of power.
Until now.
Someone masterminded the Fury’s massive attack on the Ianua, slaughtering twelve of their thirteen community leaders, the Addos. Now there are rumors that the 13th Cura, to which Nali belongs, has gone to the Fury, manipulating the last Addo in order to control the other 12 Curas.As the Cusp brings the Fury and their own communities against them, Nalena’s Cura must preserve the Ianua, but finding the key to the Cusp isn’t as simple as it seems.
Keystone was even better than Cornerstone and there's definitely a load of characters you'll enjoy in this one.
Jamb (Cornerstone #3)
A note, from Nalena:
The world has gone insane and our only option is go deeper into The Fury.
Facing the enemy doesn't scare me.
Unless he is my enemy now.
Ohmigosh, Jamb had my heart pounding so hard!! Personally, Jamb was my favourite book in the Cornerstone series and I thought it was the best. The action, romance, and in-depth story line was exciting and more perilous. It was written excellently, too.
Now, if you check out Misty Porvencher's blog : http://mistypro.blogspot.com/You'll see that the fourth and final book in the Cornerstone series is titled Capstone. Unfortunately, the cover and summary have not been released yet and the book will be published in spring/summer of 2014.
The wait will be long and dreadful, but with another good book in my hands, I'm sure I'll survive. ;)
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